Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.

Academic Senate

Welcome to the SCC Academic Senate

The Academic Senate Governing Council is the voice of the faculty on matters related to curriculum and instruction. We work collaboratively with college administration, staff, and students to promote academic excellence.

The Academic Senate shall be the only organization empowered to speak for the Faculty on matters that are not contractual in nature. The Academic Senate is authorized by the laws of the State of California, the regulations of the Rodda Act, provisions of Title 5 of the California Administrative Code, AB1725, California Education Code, and Policy 2005 of the Solano County Community College District Governing Board.The purpose of the Academic Senate shall be to provide the Faculty members with a formal and effective process for participating in the formation and implementation of district policies on academic and professional matters (Title 5, Subchapter 2, Section 53201).

  The functions of the Academic Senate are to act as a representative of the faculty with respect to Academic and Professional Matters to include the following items (Title 5, Subchapter 2, Section 53200): (a) Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses with disciplines, (b) Degree and certificate requirements, (c) Grading policies, (d) Educational program development, (e) Standards or policies regarding student preparation and success, (f) District and college governance structures, as related to faculty roles, (g) Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation processes, including self-study and annual reports, (h) Policies for faculty professional development activities, (i) Processes for program review, (j) Processes for institutional planning and budget development, and (k) Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the Governing Board and Academic Senate.

  On February 6, 2017, the Academic Senate of Solano Community College took unanimous action to direct its president to represent the following proposed changes to Board Policy 2005: the Governing Board of Solano Community College will rely primarily on the Academic Senate for items 1-7: Curriculum, including the establishing prerequisites and placing courses with disciplies; Degree and certificate requirements; Grading policies; Standards of policies regarding student preparation and success; Faculty roles and involvement in the accerditation process, including Self-Evaluation Reports and annual reports; Policies for faculty professional development activities; Process for program review.




All Senators must be Full-Time Faculty Members, with the exception of the two (2) Part-timeSenators. In the  absence of any full-time faculty interested in serving as Senate representative, no more than one (1) part-time faculty member may serve as full-time representative for his/her area. Should multiple representatives represent a single area, only one (1) position may be filled by a part-time faculty member. A single nomination of a full-time faculty would retain precedence over any part-time faculty nominations. The Senate may choose to change or revise the representation or composition of Senators on the Senate, based on Divisions, Departments, Disciplines, Schools, Colleges, or other reasonable designations and/or groups of faculty, by a two-thirds majority vote of all Senate Members (but not just by a two-thirds vote of Members present).

I. President

II. Vice President

III. Secretary/Treasurer

IV. One Senator: (a) Counseling

V. Two Senators: (a) School of Applied Technology and Business, (b) School of Health Sciences, (c) School of Liberal Arts, (d) School of Math and Science, (e) School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, (f) Part-Time (Adjunct) Faculty, and (g) At-Large

If interesterd in being part of SCC Senate and Senate Committees, please click on the link to complete a survey: SCC Senate Survey


    2021-2022 Academic Senate Meeting Schedule 

The Senate shall meet twice a month, generally on the First and Third Mondays of the academic year, subject to holidays and the actual beginning and ending dates of the Fall and Spring semesters, or other factors which impact the regularity of the academic year. Additional and/or Special Meetings of the Senate may called by the President, or as directed by a majority vote of the Senate members. The Senate shall hold a meeting of the Senate and a joint meeting of the Senate and Academic Administrators prior to the start of each semester, typically during Flex-Cal.


SCB   I. SCC Academic Senate Constitution (amended, May 2022)

   II. SCC Academic Senate By-Laws, (amended, May 2022)

   III SCC Academic Senate Orientation/Brown Act/10+1, presented by Michael Wyly, Senate Past President


DF    Academic Senate Donation Form (payroll deduction)

The Solano Community College Academic Senate would like for you to consider making a monetary donation. Primarily, donations support senate-related activities not otherwise directly supported by the College, including the Distinguished Faculty Award, Tenure Teas, guest speakers, sabbatical presentations, and donations to faculty, staff, and students. Donations may also support the work of senate task forces, special meetings of the senate, or other senate-related activities. We greatly appreciate any amount you donate and thank you for your support.


ASCCC    I. Leadership, Empowerment, Voice

   II Events and Awards

   III SCC College Information




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