Veterans and Active Duty SCC Policies

Military Service Credit – Solano Community College District Board Approved November 19, 2014 – Veterans and Military Service Member Graduation Requirement Waivers Resolution No. 14/15-13

Solano Community College will grant six (6) elective units for military service if the person has a) spent at least one year in active service, and b) has received an honorable discharge. Active duty personnel should submit a copy of DD295Veterans submit DD214 Member 4 or Copy 2 or Copy 7 with a completed Substitution of Degree Requirements to Admissions and Records for evaluation. These units meet the health and physical education requirements for graduation under Option A.

Military Service credit is given towards California State University General Education Option C for Area E with the submission of DD214 Member 4 or Copy 2 or Copy 7 and Substitution of Degree Requirements to Admissions and Records for evaluation.

Military Transcript Evaluation

Solano Community College, under the DoD Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding, recognizes service members’ Military Training for College Credit based on American Council on Education recommendations. Veterans who submit transcripts from either Community College of the Air Force or Joint Services Transcript (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard) will be granted up to 24.0 units of college elective credit. (**Specialized training may be used to meet degree major requirements by submitting an SCC Substitution Petition. A description of the course/training received is required).

SCC Board Policy on Credit for Prior Learning 6041 (Section 8 – B, i)

Joint Services Transcript for Military Service or Community College of the Air Force i. A Veteran and Military Service Member students requesting credit for prior learning through evaluation of the Joint Services Transcript must file a petition for credit. Students should consult with the SCC Veterans Resource Center for more options for credit.

Solano Community College DoD Refund Policy for returning unearned Tuition Assistance

Solano Community College in compliance with the DoD Memorandum of Understanding to returns any unearned tuition assistance (TA) funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the course for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during the semester, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending.  In cases where some or all of the Tuition Assistance must be returned to the military, students will be responsible to repay all balances on their Solano Community College student account in accordance with CA Title 5 Education Code Refund Policy.

Military Withdrawal – 100% of the Community College Enrollment Fee will be refunded. 

TA is billed after the last day to drop with a Withdrawal “W” to insure no overcharges to the Branch Service (s).  In the event the student is awarded a CA Community College Promise Grant after TA has paid, the institution will work with the appropriate Branch of Service to refund all fees to them.

Semester Length:            17.5        Weeks 

End of Week      Weeks Completed           Weeks not Yet Completed           Percent not completed and to be returned

1                                          1                                            16.5                                                       94.29%

2                                          2                                            15.5                                                       88.57%

3                                          3                                            14.5                                                       82.86%

4                                          4                                            13.5                                                       77.14%

5                                          5                                            12.5                                                       71.43%

6                                          6                                            11.5                                                       65.71%

7                                          7                                            10.5                                                       60.00%

8                                          8                                             9.5                                                        54.29%

9                                          9                                             8.5                                                        48.57%

10                                      10                                           7.5                                                         42.86%

11                                      11                                           6.5                                                         37.14%

Semester Length              10           Weeks 

End of Week      Weeks Completed           Weeks not Yet Completed           Percent not completed and to be returned

1                                          1                                                  9                                                      90.00%

2                                          2                                                  8                                                      80.00%

3                                          3                                                  7                                                      70.00%

4                                          4                                                  6                                                      60.00%

5                                          5                                                  5                                                      50.00%

6                                          6                                                  4                                                      40.00%

7                                          7                                                  3                                                      30.00%

Semester Length              8              Weeks 

End of Week      Weeks Completed           Weeks not Yet Completed           Percent not completed and to be returned

1                                          1                                             7                                                           87.50%

2                                          2                                             6                                                           75.00%

3                                          3                                             5                                                           62.50%

4                                          4                                             4                                                           50.00%

5                                          5                                             3                                                           37.50%

Semester length               6              Weeks 

End of Week      Weeks Completed           Weeks not Yet Completed           Percent not completed and to be returned

1                                         1                                                5                                                          83.33%

2                                         2                                                4                                                          66.67%

3                                         3                                                3                                                          50.00%

4                                         4                                                2                                                          33.33%

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at

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