Financial Aid

Your Guide To Pay For College!

Processing Timelines

We understand that having an idea of how long it will take get any funds that you are entitled to receive is important to your financial planning for both school and life. Please be aware that:

  • All work in the FA department is processed on a first in, first processed basis.
  • Forms that are incomplete, not signed, or lack the required requested documentation cannot be processed, and will return to the front of the line once a complete version is submitted.
  • Please have a current and correct address on account with Admissions & Records. Failure to do so may cause significant delays in processing disbursements/refunds to student accounts.
  • We do not expedite any tasks in the FA department if requested.  We strictly adhere to our first in, first processed policy.
  • Please check your email regularly for updates on the processing of your application. Additionally, the ProVerifier and mySolano portals may contain information about any requirements that are still needed to process your application.
  • Financial aid disbursements occur on most Mondays, with any refunds (amounts that exceed charges that are paid off first) reaching student bank accounts the following week. Some weeks—especially those with a holiday in them—will not have a financial aid disbursement. Please consult the Disbursement Page for the current schedule as well as other important information about how to receive your money.

Processing start dates

Most financial aid awards will be processed at the beginning of the term, but there are a couple of exceptions:

  • Cal Grants: awards will be placed and disbursed by the fourth week of the term.
  • Student Success Completion Grants: awards will be placed and disbursed after the Cal Grants have been disbursed.
  • Direct Loans: disbursement may not occur until 30 days after the beginning of the term for first-time borrowers.
  • Solano Promise: awards will be placed just prior to the start of a given term

Processing timeframes 

Note: Processing times are dependent on a variety of factors, including the time of year, staffing levels, and student responsiveness to requests for information. The times listed below are averages, not guarantees.

processing timeframes
Any Appeal (SAP, UEH, Dependency, Budget, etc.)
7 to 14 days
Any fee waiver (CalVet, CCPG, Solano Promise)
7 to 14 days
Any award requests (Cal Grants, Chafee, Direct Loans)
7 to 14 days
FAFSA packaging and processing
3 days
7 days (after check received by Solano)

Processing timeframes 

Note: Processing times are dependent on a variety of factors, including the time of year, staffing levels, and student responsiveness to requests for information. The times listed below are averages, not guarantees.

  • Appeals (SAP,UEH Etc.) – 7 days to 3 weeks
  • Dependency Override – 1 to 2 weeks
  • CalVet Fee Waiver – up to 1 week
  • Cal Grants – 1 to 2 weeks
  • CCPG Fee Waiver – 1 to 2 weeks
  • CCPG Appeal – 1 week
  • Chafee Grant – once student has completed CSAC application/requirements, 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Direct Loans – 1 to 3 weeks
  • FAFSA/CADAA packaging and processing – 2 to 4 weeks
  • FYSI (current and former Foster Youth) – up to 1 week
  • R2T4 (Return to Title IV) – Return to Title IV will be calculated based on class withdrawal dates and processed throughout the term. Students may be subject to a full return of funding if all classes are dropped before halfway point.
  • Scholarships – 1 to 5 days
  • Solano Promise (AB19) – up to 2 weeks
  • Special Circumstances – 1 to 3 weeks

Types of Aid Available

The Solano Promise Program is a financial aid program created by California state law AB 19 and Solano Community College for students who are California residents and are in their first or second year of college. The Solano Promise Program helps eligible students with enrollment fees, parking permits, and $200 in cash aid to help pay for books.

Click here to learn more about the Promise Program

Grants are free money to help you pay for college. They are often do not have to repaid.

There are a variety of federal and state grants available, each with different eligibility requirements. The grants you are eligible to receive will be determined by your FAFSA or Dream Act application.

Click Here for Available Grants

Solano Community College participates in the U.S. Department of Education Federal Direct Loan Program:

Direct Subsidized Loans – are need-based loans for students, as determined by federal regulations. Direct Subsidized Loans are available to undergraduate students with financial need. Your school determines the amount you can borrow, and the amount may not exceed your financial need.

Click Here for More Information On Loans

Scholarships are money that you do not have to pay back. Many scholarships are based off academic merit or other achievements, while some are also need-based.  Unlike other aid programs, scholarships are not based on the FAFSA.

Click Here To Apply for Scholarships

The California Dream Act Application allows students interested in attending eligible California Colleges, Universities and Career Education Programs to apply for state financial aid. This application is unrelated to the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Click Here To Learn More About The CA Dream Act

What is financial aid?

Financial Aid Assistance

How can we help you?

Window Hours

Phone Hours

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9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Windows are closed to the public due to COVID-19
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Windows are closed to the public due to COVID-19
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Windows are closed to the public due to COVID-19
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Windows are closed to the public due to COVID-19
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